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Do you want to make your face book chart exciting and creative? We will teach you how to chart with your friends and fans with wonderful colorful alphabets. Yes it involves the use of codes which we are going to revile to you in this article. Don’t get scared of the numerous codes you will have to type. VESTERconcept will not creat a problem in other to solve one for you.  Simple copy out each code for each alphabet and save it as a word document in your system. When your charting open the document and just copy and paste each code that represents the alphabet you intend to use. Below is the screenshot of the  colorful alphabets.

How to Use it

The best way to use them is to insert a space in each of the alphabet code.


[[107015582669715]] = A

[[116067591741123]] = B

[[115602405121532]] = C

[[112542438763744]] = D

[[115430438474268]] = E

[[109225112442557]] = F

[[111532845537326]] = G

[[111356865552629]] = H

[[109294689102123]] = I

[[126362660720793]] = J

[[116651741681944]] = K

[[115807951764667]] = L

[[106596672714242]] = M

[[108634132504932]] = N

[[116564658357124]] = O

[[111669128857397]] = P

[[107061805996548]] = Q

[[106699962703083]] = R

[[115927268419031]] = S

[[112669162092780]] = T

[[108983579135532]] = U

[[107023745999320]] = V

[[106678406038354]] = W

[[116740548336581]] = X

[[112416755444217]] = Y

[[165724910215]] = Z


Take Care
[[112669162092780]] [[107015582669715]] [[116651741681944]] [[115430438474268]] [[115602405121532]] [[107015582669715]] [[106699962703083]] [[115430438474268]]

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