PORT: 8080
Host: – USE PROXY >> HTTP – PROXY SERVER >> www.etisalat.com.ng/http/
Just Apply this Simple Settings on any of your Device Phone [both java and symbian phone] or PC and you can Start Browsing free also without the Airtel free 3gb.
FOR SYMBIAN PHONE- Browse Free With Airtel On Your Symbian Phone
Symbian phone Users are to Create a New Access Point with the Data Below.
Username: internet
Password: internet
APN: staff.ng.zain.com
Leave every other fields empty and Save your settings.
Open any application and connect using the Access Point you have Created. It works for both Normal phone browser, opera mini, ucweb, and any other Mobile Phone Browsing Application etc.
FOR JAVA/S40 PHONE- How To Browse Free With Your Java Phone With Airtel
For Java phone users, creating prov file won’t work out 100% due to the fact that it won’t work on all Applications. Though before proceeding with the below settings, you can try prov first.
Now lets continue… For creating settings for java phone…
Follow this Procedures.
Goto Settings >>
then >>Configuration >> then goto Personal configuration, When you open Personal Configuration, Goto Options >> then Add new >> Web and fill in the Data as quoted above in bold for Symbian phone users. The settings for symbian phone users and java are the same.
When you get to Proxy, Select Disable.
After filling in all the details above, Activate it and your Web browser will start browsing free!
For other Applications, When you open Personal Configuration, Goto Options >>> Add New >>> Access point and fill in the details as quoted in bold for Symbian phone users. When you get to Proxy, Select Disable. After completing the details, Activate it and you are ready to start browsing on all your Applications.
FOR PC USERS USING USB MODEM- How to Browse Free On Your PC With Airtel
If you are making use of USB Modem to Access the Internet and you want this tweak to work for You,
Open the Modem Software that you normally connect through, Click on the Tools >>> Option at the Top of the Page.
>>> Then Click on Profile Management >>>> Edit any of the Profile and change the APN: to: staff.ng.zain.com and Start Browsing for Free on your PC/Laptop.
With the above settings you can enjoy free browsing on your mobile phone without any problem.
Though if you encounter any difficulty, please drop your comments! by clicking ME
If this works for you don’t forget to share it with your friends on facebook. .
Mtn Latest Opera Mini Downloading Tweak
IP: default
PORT: default
Host: www.mtnonline.com
This MTN Latest downloading cheat is working super fast, no story. If it is not working on your mobile phone, please drop your comment here. And if it is working do drop your comments also, meanwhile, enjoy the free browsing and free downloading on your mobile phone with mtn and opera mini browser.