Do you want to enjoy free browsing on MTN, ETISALAT, AIRTEL and GLO in Nigeria with your mobile phones (java/symbian) or even on your laptops/desktop? If yes you are at the right place. Free browsing on your mobile and laptops is as easy as following the steps below. I will provide you with the cheat codes for free browsing in this post. You can also check for updates on the latest cheat’s codes and free browsing methods on this site.
Glo Latest Free Browsing Cheat!
You read that pretty well, with glo you can start browsing absolutely free, with any application! Continue reading Glo Latest Free Browsing Cheat!
1. You have to send sms for the Glo Direct settings on your Phone before you can start browsing for free.
2. To Request for the glo Settings, Go to Message and Type the Make of your Phone [space] Phone Model , Send it to 927
example message to send: Nokia7610 to 927. wait for some few minutes and
3. You will Receive two Different Settings from Glo, Just Activate the Glo Direct Settings on your Phone to start getting reading to browse absolutely free!
4. Now Load Glo N100 Recharge Card to your Phone. Do you know that you can start browsing free? Without doing any more tweak? Yes enjoy the free browsing with glo while it last.
* Now you can Start Browsing, Your Money will not be Deducted, It Aworks well on all Application and even on PC with Modem or via Bluetooth/Cable.
Important Notice: You must be on Glo Infinito Package to Enjoy this free browsing!
And i know you will want to know how to activate your Glo Infinito? Fine. You can Activate Glo Infinito Package by Dialing *100*9*1# on your Phone!
Okay that is all for now, you can share this with your friends on facebook, as well as twitter, remember this glo cheat works for all applications including ucweb, opera mini, bolt and even direct browsing!
Keep rocking with Glo free browsing for september and october 2011. Probably this cheat might last for the remaining quota of the year.Don’t forget to share your experience with us.free browsing home for all phones and laptop