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This article will show you how you can reduce your energy bills drastically. As an organization in Nigeria we had a big challenge on how to survive in business with the recent increase in electricity tariff by the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) in Nigeria. This development according to the government is to help finance various power projects aimed at stabilizing power in Nigeria. Since our business is to solve problems we had to start up a research which had finally yielded a good result. If you are to apply the information in this article we can assure you that the latest increase in power tariff in Nigeria will not affect you as you will be able to reduce drastically the amount you would have paid for the energy you use. Inefficient light bulbs are disappearing from shops all over the world especially in developed countries – they’re all being replaced by energy-saving light bulbs. Energy-saving light bulbs are compact, bright and available in a wide range of shapes – so the only difference you’ll notice is a drop in your electricity bills. We will explain why energy-saving light bulbs are taking over, how much you’ll save in this article.
Fitting just one energy-saving light bulb can save you on average 750naira 0r £3 a year – and by swapping all the inefficient bulbs in your home for energy-saving alternatives you could save around 13,750naira or £55 per year. Right now, the majority of the 650 million light bulbs in UK homes are inefficient filament bulbs of one sort or another. By phasing out these inefficient bulbs, you can make a real difference to your energy consumption. The Government, retailers and energy companies are all working together to phase out inefficient light bulbs. At the same time, light bulb manufacturers are working to change their factories, so they can produce enough energy saving light bulbs to meet the growing global demand. Energy saving bulbs like Compact fluorescent bulbs use about 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs or yellow bulbs, Energy Star reports. The energy saving is so significant that if every household replaced one regular yellow bulbs with energy saving bulbs, it would save enough energy to light 300 million homes for an entire year in the united states. It would also eliminate about 9 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions annually, which is roughly the amount emitted by 80,000 cars
Energy saving light bulbs use argon and mercury vapor to produce light. This makes them much more efficient than incandescent bulbs or yellow bulbs, which emit an electric current that travels through wire filaments. The filament then becomes warmer, and glows to emit light. Compact fluorescent bulbs use less energy and last up to 10 times as long as their incandescent counterparts, resulting in a cost savings for you. You can save as much as 6,000 naira in energy costs over the lifetime of each energy saving bulb you use in your home for a period of one year according to energy star reports. This cost saving occurs despite the higher upfront cost to purchase energy saving bulbs. In addition to the savings you gain from lower electricity usage, you’ll also save on the cost of cooling your home, because low energy bulbs emit 90 percent less heat than incandescent bulbs. To practicalize this allow your normal yellow bulbs to glow for one hour go and see if you can remove it with your bare hand. This will not be possible as the temperature of the bulb is very high. The heat is the amount of energy wasted because of the inefficiency in the bulbs. For energy saving bulbs allow it to glow for as long as you want then go and check it. You will discover that its temperature is still normal. To enjoy reduced energy costs simply replaceall the yellow bulbs in your house with energy saving bulbs. Contact us after a month if you have not notice a drastic reduction in your energy cost.
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