If you are connected with too many people on Facebook and need to hide your online status on Facebook Chat from certain contacts or you want to completely go offline, here’s the solution.
–> To turn chat on for just a few friends:
1. Click the gear menu
in the chat sidebar
2. Select Advanced Settings
3. Click Turn on chat for only some friends…
4. List the friends you want to turn on chat for
To turn on chat for all your friends except a few:
1. Select Turn on chat for all your friends except… in your Advanced Settings
2. List the friends you want to turn chat off for
You can quickly turn off chat for an individual friend by clicking the gear menu
at the top of your chat window with that friend. From there, click Turn off chat
While chat is off, chat messages from friends automatically go to your inbox for you to read later. You’ll also receive them as messages on any mobile Facebook apps
you choose to install on your phone.
If Facebook has integrated friends list with Chat and you can also choose which of these list members get to see you online.So you can stay visible to your family members and close friends while the rest of your Facebook friends won’t know if you are logged into Facebook. Earlier you had to completely turn off Facebook chatin in order to hide your online status from other contacts. The Facebook chat window has easy sliders so you can easily toggle your online status for any friends list in a click.
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