If you have a BlackBerry smart phone that you have not used in a while or are having some problems with, you may need to update the operating system on the smart phone. BlackBerry periodically releases updates to the BlackBerry OS, some of which are only valid for certain models. You can use your computer, whether it’s a PC or Mac, to check for and install any updates to your BlackBerry device. Taking advantage of BlackBerry “ROM” updates is a great way to help the overall performance of your smartphone. This article is a simple guide to ROM updates with the information here you will be able to update your blackberry phone yourself to a better and higher operating system. Some business minded people do good business with upgrading blackberry OS for their customers so you can actually do this for others and get additional income. Remember this is your world of solutions! BlackBerry “ROM” updates are a great way to speed up your device, stop system freezing issues, and work out any other bugs your device may have in general. Some ROM updates even offer new features that often prove useful or that were lacking on the original OS version you are already using. This is a simple guide that shows you how to update your device using the free of charge BlackBerry ROM update website, and ultimately the BlackBerry Device Software Updater.
1. Click “Start,” “All Programs,” and click the BlackBerry desktop software on your computer. If you don’t have this free software installed, you can get it from the BlackBerry website.
2. Plug one end of the USB cable that came with the phone into the BlackBerry and the other into the computer.
3. Click on “Update” on the “My BlackBerry” screen, if it does not automatically begin updating when you connected it to the computer. The only reason the OS won’t update is if you are running the most recent version of the OS.
4. Disconnect the cables once you see the message on your screen letting you know the update has completed.
UPDATING USING The BlackBerry Update page
The BlackBerry Update page is located here. If you are trying to update on a PC then make sure you use Internet Explorer v5.5 or higher or Firefox. You might encounter problems if you try to use another browser (it doesn’t work with Google Chrome right now, for example). Now you’ll want to scroll down and under Step 1 you’ll notice that the screen says to make sure your device is disconnected. You’ll start by simply clicking on the “Check For Updates” button at which point a .msi uploader file will be downloaded directly to your computer’s desktop. Once the file is downloaded you will need to click on it, or simply click “RUN”, this will then install the “BlackBerry Device Software Updater” on your Windows Based Operating System and automatically open the program on your PC once it finishes installing.
Running the PC Based Updater
Now that the Software Updater is open on your PC you can go ahead and connect your device. After it is connected you’ll be able to choose your device from a dropdown box and then you’ll need to enter your device’s PIN Number. If you’re unsure of the number, here’s how to find your BlackBerry PIN.
Next simply choose the “Run” Option to begin the install process. This first option will install the drivers on your device, after which point you’ll choose run once again to install the new ROM Update. It’s important to note that during the update process you won’t be able to use your device. If for any reason you fail to complete the ROM process you’ll need to start it over once again to complete the updates before using your device again.
To avoid disruption of the process if you use a laptop then make sure it is plugged in or fully powered up before beginning the process.
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