to go wrong as regard human usage and tamper and you do not
wish to log off your account there are several ways to do that, You can double-click a shortcut on your desktop to quickly lock the keyboard and display without using CTRL+ALT+DEL or a
screen saver. You can also hold windows key+L, which is less complicated.
Below are simple steps which when carefully followed you will be able to create a fast short cut on your desktop
wish to log off your account there are several ways to do that, You can double-click a shortcut on your desktop to quickly lock the keyboard and display without using CTRL+ALT+DEL or a
screen saver. You can also hold windows key+L, which is less complicated.

- Right-click the desktop. Point to New, and then click Short cut.
- The Create Shortcut Wizard opens. In the text box, type the following: rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
- Click Next. Enter a name for the shortcut. You can call it “Lock Now” or choose any name you like.
- Click Finish.
Now whenever you want to lock your computer just click on the short cut.

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