If you are not able to log in to Yahoo mail because of a wrong password or username, all you need do is, use the correct username and or password. Make sure they are correct, you may first type the password to a notepad or some other place where you can see it visibly to make sure it is correct or not before copying and pasting to its (password) field.
Note: Yahoo may also give you something like; “username is not yet registered” If that is the case, then the problem lies in your log in details, you should check them carefully and retry. If Yahoo blacklisted your IP you may also get something like this after you must have gone through the captcha verification. So if you’ve made sure that your password and username
is correct yet you can’t login, then its definitely the IP .Yahoo actually blacklisted some IP addresses due to the hack experience, they did that to increase their security, but that has chased lots of users away and is still chasing them away as they can’t login or register an account with yahoo mail. We have also receive a lot of enqury emails on this same issue. If your IP was blacklisted, you may either get “We are Sorry but no Image is Available at this Time” or you may get a message that says “Invalid ID or password“. That is to say, you won’t be able to login at all. Yahoo track’s your IP (location) and if it falls on their blacklisted IPs you won’t be able to login to yahoo mail account, no matter how hard you try at least not with the blacklisted IP. If you have important documents on your email and won’t want to let go or you still love to use yahoo service then it’s just fine because this problem has a simple fix. Remember this is your world of solutions.
- Restart your modem: Disconnect your modem or internet and reconnect after some minutes, your IP address should have been changed. Some IPs won’t change after restarting your internet connection. If yours didn’t change then you may read the other options below.
- Use an anonymous IP address: There are loads of anonymous IP addresses. You can pick up one at Hidemyass to do your thing for you. If one fades off, go pick another and insert it in your browser with the corresponding port. If you have no idea how to insert the proxy in to your browser, you can read about it HERE.