If it has been impossible for you to log into you’re yahoo mail both on PC and on mobile devices then this information is for you. For two weeks now we were bombarded with this question “please help i am not able to log into my yahoo mail on my laptop i keep getting this message we’re sorry, but no image is available at this time. Please try again later” . For sometime now yahoo mail have not been at it’s best. Most people have not been able to log into their account, there keep getting the error message at the captcha verification page. Fortunately we now have a simple solution to this problem. Below are simple instructions on how to access your yahoo mail account if you have been having log in problem. If you are on mobile please check this article HERE for instructions on what to do
Input your username and password then click the Facebook login icon or the Google+ login icon below the sign in button. If you clicked on facebook you will be redirected to facebook log in and authorization page. Click to log in and next to authorize yahoo mail login using your facebook account. NOTE; even if your facebook and yahoo account are not previously connected you will not have any problem both accounts will simply be connected at that point. Now if you prefer using your google+ account it means you must already have a functional gmail account or simply create one for yourself instantly. Please know that this information does not apply to someone who has lost his/her yahoo mail password or username. Remember it’s all about offering solutions to you do same by sharing this now.
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