
WHO New Research Proves Cell Phone Use and Brain Cancer Link


Dr. Jonathan Samet, a pulmonary physician and epidemiologist at the University of Southern California, supervised the report from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer that classified cellphones as possibly carcinogenic to humans; he comments “Pretty soon, the whole world’s population will be exposed to radiation from devices from an early age. It’s something that should be taken very seriously, and we should be doing our best to understand if there’s any risk.”

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McCormick believes the result of damage from cellphone radiation may not be fully realized for another 10 or 15 years as a major portion of the population has been using this technology for only about 15 years. While that may seem like a long time, it may take even more years before damage is acknowledged.

A group of 255 scientists from across the world, including Columbia University, Harvard and the University of Southern California, wrote a letter to WHO about their concerns regarding the pervasive exposure to electromagnetic fields and the organizations response, writing: “By not taking action, the WHO is failing to fulfill its role as the pre-eminent international public health agency. The various agencies setting safety standards have failed to impose sufficient guidelines to protect the general public, particularly children who are more vulnerable to the effects of (electromagnetic fields).”

This pathway of oxidative destruction triggered by low-frequency radiation emitted from mobile devices may partially explain the unprecedented growth rate of chronic disease since 1990. This, truly, is a FAR greater concern than brain tumors, when it comes to the hazards of cellphones.

Information from the scientific literature reveals a dramatic acceleration in a single generation in the prevalence of a long list of diseases. Once you understand that cellphones can contribute to these chronic diseases — not just brain tumors — you may be more apt to take a few precautions to limit your exposure.

Protect Yourself and Your Family From Long-Term Health Damage

While cellphone use is ubiquitous, and there’s no turning back now, there are strategies you can use to protect yourself from RF radiation emitted from these devices. Remember, your cellphone, portable phone, Wi-Fi router and modems are the primary devices in your home emitting microwave radiation consistently. To protect yourself and your family, get in the habit of using these strategies regularly. Cell damage builds over time. It may feel safe to use your devices as you always have since you don’t experience the health effects immediately, but it definitely is not.

  1. Keep the phone away from your head: Consider moving your cellphone away from your head when it’s turned on or the Wi-Fi, data or Bluetooth are enabled. You may do this by using a selfie-stick, speaking on the speaker phone or using a headset. Short conversations and texting more than talking also reduce your exposure.
  2. Increase your distance from RF-emitting devices: The closer the device, the more radiation you absorb. Find a way to transport your phone other than you pants pocket or bra, and avoid keeping your phone and tablets in your bedroom while you’re sleeping.
  • Turn off your Wi-Fi routers: When they aren’t in use, such as at night, turn your Wi-Fi, modem and cellphone off. Many routers can be linked with an inexpensive remote, making the process simple and easy.
  1. Spices may reduce damage: Researchers have discovered certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites.   Spices rich in phenolics, specifically cloves, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger root exhibited some protective capacity against peroxynitrite-induced damage.

However, while this is good news, it is not a reason to ignore strategies that reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation, since your home is not the only place you are at risk. Any public venue that hosts Wi-Fi or has a cellular tower nearby increases your exposure to microwave radiation.



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