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There is no other objective perspective point of view than Mathematics. It doesn’t even imply anything. What it has to mean, it has to mean as it is. You don’t need to try to read between the lines either. Each equation simply means the two sides hold the same value. If we took the dynamics of a romantic relationship and plugged them into a mathematical equation, we would realize that the equation has to stay in balance like any other equation.  The inputs would include things like chemistry between two people, attractiveness, sense of humor, intelligence, communication and all the other things that are important to that relationship at that particular time.  These dynamics can and typically will, change over time.  When these dynamics do change, it throws the equation off-balance and can create stress in the relationship. Now here is a question for you do you think you love your spouse as much as he/she loves you? Do you think that the love you have for your spouse should be equal to the one he/she have for you? “It is better to dwell in the corner of the house top than to be with a brawling woman in a wide house” VESTERconcept{your world of solutions} is very much interested in helping you enjoy a happy healthy relationship with your spouse. Please clear your mind of any other taught because you’re about to discover a great secrete hiding for years and have been passed from generation to generation. In this article you will understand the essence of love and how to balance up the love equation and enjoying a happy healthy home.

Let’s take a look at God’s divine equation first before we proceed. In His divine equations, as we can find in His word; God = Love we are to love Him as He is love. There should be no argument about this the most important thing is love. It’s pretty much obvious to those who understand God’s love. But for the sake of sharing some insights on the knowledge of God and its importance we need to acknowledge all the time, let’s break this equation down. Equal sign in Math simply means both ends are the same. So, God = love means God is love. Plain and simple. If God is love, then love is God. Therefore, the existence of love itself, whatever that may mean to us, is God Himself. In other words, wherever love exists, there is God. Now the question for you to answer is “Is there GOD in your relationship? Don’t feel guilty if your answer is no because it’s not late to bring God into your relationship or home.
Plugging the dynamics of a romantic relationship into a mathematical equation, we would realize that the equation has to stay in balance like any other equation.  The inputs would include things like chemistry between two people, attractiveness, sense of humor, intelligence, communication and all the other things that are important to that relationship at that particular time.  These dynamics can and typically will, change over time.  When these dynamics changes, the equation becomes unbalanced thereby creating unhealthy relationship. Sometimes these dynamics will change on their own e.g., change in finances.  There are a number of dynamics that we may have little or no control over.  The person we are with can change.  We may change.  Very few of these dynamics remain static in an ever-changing world.  We can, however, control to a large extent how we deal with the changes.  When this love equation gets out of balance, we are usually capable of fixing it through changes in behavior.  Virtually all relationships will succumb to various stresses at different times.  Some of these may be quite intense.  Major illnesses, job loss, financial difficulties, cheating, substance abuse, and long distance issues will all take a certain toll on the relationship. We can deal with most of these if our commitment is strong, the love is deep and we understand that we don’t live in a perfect world with perfect people.  The stress takes a toll when we allow it to take a toll.  Some people will bail but others will be able to work through whatever the issue is.  Do we throw in the towel to early or do we stay in to long?  Do we go down with the sinking ship or jump off?  Maybe the ship won’t sink but we think it will.
You can only balance the love equation by multiplying the common denominator (you) by all factors on each side of the equal sign what does this mean? TRUE LOVE always emerges from a state of emotional balance; Instead of one side energy; the purpose for having a partner is to balance love equilibrium. If one partner is in disagreement the other partner’s role of action is to help bring him back down into balance. No matter how depress he could be the partner should help in lifting them up….The most perfect way to successful relationships. Every husband does the same thing for his wife making it 50/50 condition in which all acting influences are cancelled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system. One partner becomes too bossy, the other brings them down. If one becomes deflated the other helps them up. This balancing act is what maintains the divine order or true accurate love and relationship. I understand that  so many of us have a way to appreciate the balance because Love needed to be learned, and learned again and again we need to demonstrate our love for our partner and family, and for all those we encounter. We needed get to point where we are able to show our love for others and ourselves every day. There should be an intimate activities between two couple…These are the two sides that make up true love. We are all surrounded by love, but sometimes we get carried away by selfishness and addicted to the pleasure outside and resentful to the balancing pain at home. One of many reasons for unbearable endurance which causes separation…It would be absolutely amazing if we can literally have the power to change the state of our partner, from a distance, by going into the state of balanced love.
When we have true love we see the balance all around us. But when we have one side emotion we get the other side to middle of us, by bringing us back to true and balanced love. I believe this is the real divine and accurate order of love any where we are.
For VESTERconcept

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