Inline with our commitment in providing solutions to students we have discovered an application Called Mobile Maths that gives you the easiest means to solve your Further Mathematics and Mathematics Questions and also that of Physics & Chemistry. The software is the most powerful mathematical tool for mobile phones. It’s a must-have for students, engineers and researchers. Mobile Maths program includes a lot of applications with a lot of features. The famous mobile maths is designed in order to fulfill the needs of every one (student, engineer, researcher….). By using mobile maths you can make your handset as home computer and will get substantially all of the computing capabilities desired by a large fraction of the public. All the calculations made by mobile maths are very accurate. The application is for all mobile phones that accept java application.
Let’s take a quick look at the features of Mobile Maths Application
Professional Programming Calculator similar to the Matlab’s command window
Periodic Table improved
Integral Solver
Function Solver
Equation Solver
Molecular Weight Calculation improved
Graph 2D improved
Graph 3D improved
Matrix operations
Linear system solver
Curve fitting (Regression)
MathPro V5: programming language mostly compatible with Matlab
Ord. Diff. Equation Solver
Professional Unit Converter
Derivatives (1st, 2nd and 3th)
Taylor series (Taylor polynomial)
Triangle calculations (angles, sides and area)
Resolution of a set of first order differential equations
Resolution of a second order differential equation
Fast Fourier Transformation >> definite integral
Indefinite integral
Complex manipulation and much more…
Supported languages included
1. English
2. French
3. German
4. Italian
5. Spanish
6. Portuguse……..
You can download the full version of MobileMaths (for both touchscreen and keypad mobile phones) HERE

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